Have you ever had a moment where you know God has spoken to you and you instantly have peace?
You completely feel Him calming you and unfolding His plan for you.
I've always heard of these moments, and felt it might never happen for me...but this summer it did.
Let me back up a bit before I get ahead of myself and catch you up on this past year.
It has been 6 years of my husband, Dan, and I trying to conceive. We have suffered two heart-breaking losses. I have been to so many regular doctors appointments to hear them say nothing was wrong except hormonal issues and a slight case of P.C.O.S. But with it being almost 2.5 years since I lost our second baby, Dan & I agreed it was time to see a specialist.
We met the wonderful staff, nurses, & doctors at Overlake Reproductive Health and began their process of finding out what was happening in my body. After our first appointment, we thought, 'Why didn't we do this a long time ago'? They were so knowledgeable, and this was their specialty! They found so many answers we were looking for within just the first month.
After all of the testing and procedures, we sat down with the Doctor for a meeting. He told us he didn't have great news. My right fallopian tube was blocked from my last ectopic pregnancy and my left tube had blockage as well. He told us a pregnancy and birth weren't impossible, but it would help to do IVF so we could skip the process of another baby getting blocked in my tubes.
We sat there quietly as the doctor spoke. We finished and went back to the car.
I wasn't really shocked, we obviously knew that something was wrong. Dan took my hand and asked how I was, and I remember, with tears streaming down my face, I said I was relieved. No more wondering what is going on in my body, no more doctors saying, "we don't see anything". We finally got our answers. Dan agreed, he felt the same way.
We made an appointment to discuss and decide if IVF was the right option for us. We learned the process & procedures, we discussed finances, and every aspect of IVF. After talking over everything, Dan and I both walked out of there once again with peace and the same answer. It wasn't for us.
All of these appointments took place in early spring of this year. I remember the December before this, we were at a cross roads, wondering what do you want for us, God? We want to do Your will and we are willing, we just need some answers. We prayed this so many times! We were confused and needed direction.
I remember us saying if I'm not pregnant by this certain time, we will take a different route....adoption.
It was always in the back of our minds. Dan and I had lightly discussed it many times. We had even gone to a class at the beginning of the year, but it seemed so complicated and we didn't get the information we were looking for. Then we decided to see the specialist in the spring and then if we didn't get good news, we would visit adoption again...
To be honest, in the back of my mind, I KNEW God has been dealing with me. I talked openly to family and close friends about it. I said, 'If God opens a door I will gladly adopt'. I could love any child. Everyone knows that Dan and I love kids so much, and many people would tell us we were the perfect couple to adopt.
But on the other side, I was so scared. Scared of things being complicated, the uncertainties, loss again, and the fears go on.
This summer I went on a long trip to California. I went to a wedding with my family, stayed with my grandparents, took a trip with my aunts, and ended the trip with a wonderful family reunion with my Hall family. I was gone for a month in Sunny California, and my husband joined me for a week! During this time I had received an email from Focus on the Family. I normally don't open the stuff they send, but I happened to see that it said "Two free tickets for you and your spouse to attend an adoption conference." I talked it over with Dan and signed us up. It was for the week after we got back from California. We both agreed to enjoy our summer and then think about this.
As I look back, I know this trip was designed by God. I had a lot of time to think and pray. I attended church with my sister-n-law Nadine and sat there with tears streaming down my face (a bit embarrassed because I wasn't in my home church) knowing that the message was for me and that God was speaking to me. Not answering by the exact words, but comforting me and reassuring me that He has a plan and it might not be easy, but trust Him and follow Him.
I had long talks with my Aunts and my Grandma about the future steps we were thinking of taking. We also had a wonderful time with my Hall family and did get a chance to talk with them about it, too.
The next Saturday, after we got home, we left our house feeling nervous, wondering how the day would go. We weren't sure what to expect or how things would go.
The seminar was at a beautiful church in Seattle. The program said there would be a worship service to start. We were excited to see that Amy from Selah was leading. She is absolutely one of my favorite singers!
The church begin to fill up and Dan and I couldn't believe how many people had come for this. Many couples of all ages. It felt good knowing that we were surrounded by people who were going through some of the same stuff as we were. From the first worship song I felt the presence of God so strong, I closed my eyes and prayed that today we would get a answer or some clarity on what God wanted from us.
After the songs, they had several speakers. Some from Focus on the Family, a couple women that had been adopted from the foster system, a Dad that spoke to all the men, and one of my favorites, a retired social worker that had worked for the government for 30 years. They told us all of the good and all of the bad things you might experience, but how it can forever change your life and the child's, and much more!
As Dan and I got in the car to leave, we couldn't describe in words how we felt. There was so much to take in and so many emotions.
The next few days went by and we talked about it here and there. We took some time to ourselves to pray and think over everything. I could not believe how much peace we had.
The next week I finally had a chance to sit down and call my mom and sister. I got to re-live and share every moment that had been going on in the last few months and also share the adoption conference. We cried, laughed, and cried some more, as for the first time in a very long time I felt it all coming together.
I cry as I type this because there is such clarity for me now. Now I understand why we had to go through the hard times, and those hard times made us so strong for this path. God was there all along! Memories and moments where I asked why? I don't have those anymore. Moments where I pleaded and begged God for signs and answers, He was telling me just to trust Him and open my eyes to His plan instead of mine.
I'm telling you once you put aside yourself and your plans and follow God, you will have a peace like no other and things will fall into place.
We have so much excitement and faith as we walk into this new door that God has provided for us. We know everything will not just be handed to us. We have already learned of all the paperwork, classes, and time that is involved, but we feel such peace, and we are ready.
I have never been told I cant birth my own children, but for the mean time we feel that God is calling us to adopt.
We couldn't have asked for a better support system. Dan and I both have such loving and wonderful families and friends. We have a wonderful church family that I know will help us in raising this child.
The best part of all of this is knowing that we will get to introduce them to our Wonderful God and Savior and teach them the truth through His Word. I can't think of a better and blessed life to live!
Love, Jess
Friday, December 11, 2015
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Pregnancy & Birth Story of Londyn Kate
I found out I was expecting at the end of March, 2014. I was just 5 weeks along, and honestly didn't think I was pregnant, but I was about to start a medication and needed to make sure I wasn't pregnant before taking it. Surprise! It was a dollar store test so I took about 8 more just to make sure. The lines were dim but they were definitely there and got stronger each week.
Our pregnancy announcement
At 6 weeks pregnant I was feeling awful. I started throwing up everyday, multiple times a day.
At 8 weeks I went in to the doctor for my first ultrasound.
Can I just stop here & give a BIG hug to my sister? She went with me to my first appointment, sat in the same ultrasound room where she learned that she lost 2 babies, and was there for me with genuine happiness. That's true love.
8 week ultrasound
I got on a medication to help with the nausea...it wasn't great. I still threw up everyday. By 17 weeks I had lost 13 lbs! I got to the point I would just wake up, throw up & continue on with my day. It didn't really affect me anymore.
Around 20 weeks I got a little break. I would still feel nausea but I wouldn't throw up. This lasted from 20-26 weeks.
At this point I was working 40 hours a week, attending all youth services/church/activities...our typical busy lives! I was worn out but going strong.
I was 30 weeks pregnant when I started to notice some changes. I ended up in triage at the birth center one evening, but was sent home with instructions to rest. I took one day off & then went back to the normal schedule. One week later, at 31 weeks pregnant, I found myself back in the hospital. My blood pressure was high, & I was very swollen. They admitted me and started running different tests. They knew I had Gestational Hypertension (high BP in pregnancy) but they were checking for Pre-Eclampsia.
Some of sypmtons of Pre-Eclampsia:
A couple of photos of me at 36 weeks pregnant.
Our pregnancy announcement
At 6 weeks pregnant I was feeling awful. I started throwing up everyday, multiple times a day.
At 8 weeks I went in to the doctor for my first ultrasound.
Can I just stop here & give a BIG hug to my sister? She went with me to my first appointment, sat in the same ultrasound room where she learned that she lost 2 babies, and was there for me with genuine happiness. That's true love.
8 week ultrasound
I got on a medication to help with the nausea...it wasn't great. I still threw up everyday. By 17 weeks I had lost 13 lbs! I got to the point I would just wake up, throw up & continue on with my day. It didn't really affect me anymore.
Around 20 weeks I got a little break. I would still feel nausea but I wouldn't throw up. This lasted from 20-26 weeks.
At this point I was working 40 hours a week, attending all youth services/church/activities...our typical busy lives! I was worn out but going strong.
I was 30 weeks pregnant when I started to notice some changes. I ended up in triage at the birth center one evening, but was sent home with instructions to rest. I took one day off & then went back to the normal schedule. One week later, at 31 weeks pregnant, I found myself back in the hospital. My blood pressure was high, & I was very swollen. They admitted me and started running different tests. They knew I had Gestational Hypertension (high BP in pregnancy) but they were checking for Pre-Eclampsia.
Some of sypmtons of Pre-Eclampsia:
- persistent headaches
- swelling (oedema) in hands, feet, legs and face
- visual disturbances such as seeing stars or spots, or having blurred vision
- heartburn or pain under your rib cage
- vomiting or feeling generally unwell
- a decrease in your baby's movements.
I had all the symptoms of Pre-Eclampsia besides the heartburn or pain under your rib cage.
They gave me two steroid shots to develop the babies lungs. They told me it was possible I would be delivering in the next couple of days. They did a growth ultrasound and estimated the baby was only 2.5 lbs. I was truly terrified. I did not want not to deliver my baby at 2.5 lbs, it was much too soon. I was administered magnesium sulphate via an intravenous drip to avoid 'Eclampsia' (basically maternal seizures). The magnesium makes your body feel extremely hot, and gives you fever like symptons. I was miserable & scared. My husband, dad, mother-n-law and pastor were all there with me. My mom was in California & my sister and brother-n-law were in Canada. My mom got a flight back home right away and my sister and Dan came home the next day.
It took a couple of days but they were finally able to regulate my blood pressure. They took me off magnesium & IV, and I started to feel normal again. God truly touched me & I was so thankful I did not have to deliver at 31 weeks! I was sent home with strict instructions. Bed rest until delivery.
My mom, sister & mother-n-law took very good care of me! They helped prepare my house, nursery, got groceries, cooked meals, etc. Many friends also stopped by to visit and be with me! :)
Even through the carefulness, I did end up back in the hospital in week 32 for 3 days. More of the same, but I was okay. At home all I could do was lie around. My only outings were to the doctors twice a week where I would have an ultrasound and Non-Stress Test.
From week 33-36 everything went smoothly.
A couple of photos of me at 36 weeks pregnant.
Because of my condition with pre-eclampsia, our little baby was not getting the proper nutrients to grow in my placenta so I was scheduled to be induced on Monday, November 24th at 37 weeks.
On Friday, November 21st I had a routine doctors appointment. There they determined my BP was up again, and I was light headed and seeing 'black spots'. I was re-admitted to the birth center, with plans to start my induction.
Because I was only 37 weeks, my body was not prepared for labor & delivery. My cervix was not opened & I was not dilated at all. The started a process to open my cervix. It was very painful! Unfortunately, it just caused more stress on my body & because of this, my BP became elevated. It lasted through Saturday afternoon. My BP was high again, I had a persisting headache, and was very sick. And my cervix had not opened at all. The doctor came in around 1:00pm on Saturday and sat down to talk with me. She told me I was being very brave but because of the way my body was reacting it was a possibility we needed to go forward with a caesarean. We talked for awhile & then she left the room to give Mark and I privacy to make the decision and sign the papers. I signed the papers all while throwing up. My brain was so fuzzy. I thought we would have time to let our families know, but within minutes they were preparing me for surgery. My mom & mother-n-law were already there so they alerted all of our family.
I was taken back into the OR and they began preparation. Mark had to wait outside during this. I remember the room being so bright and so cold. I was shaking uncontrollably. I was given a spinal shot and then they let Mark into the room. I felt the numbing start in my feet and slowly rise. It was the strangest sensation! It came up on my neck & I would tell them, "I cant breath, I can't breath!" My body wanted to throw up but nothing would come out.
And then, in a moment, it was just gone and I felt completely relaxed.
They started surgery & I felt nothing besides the slight movement of my lower body. Mark watched the whole time, he was fascinated. It seemed like mere minutes until I heard the sweet cry of our baby girl! I remember immediate tears flowing and saying "Thank you, Jesus, Thank you, Jesus." I asked if she was ok and the doctor said yes, she is tiny and has beautiful eyelashes! They checked her vitals and wrapped her up & brought her to us. It was the single most amazing moment of my life. She was born on November 22nd, 2014 at 2:22 PM, a tiny, 4lbs 13 oz., but very healthy & strong! She never had to leave my side.
Within one hour, I was back in my hospital room with my baby at my chest. It felt amazing.
It was all worth it & my reward was here!
Unfortunately it took awhile for my body to heal & I did still struggle with high BP and different symptoms but all of that was a blur because Londyn Kate was here & everything was okay!
I stayed in the hospital for 3 more days and then was released home. For having a C-Section, I truly felt amazing. I think because I had such a miserable pregnancy, I just felt so good to be done. I was able to move around fairly easily.
I am so thankful for every single person who was there for us during this time. It is amazing to have so many loved ones in our lives.
Although the journey was rough, the outcome couldn't have been more perfect! I would do it 1,000 times over.
Monday, October 26, 2015
The Blog is Back!
Wow, it has been over a year and a half since we have last blogged!
So much has happened in the months that have gone by, we couldn't possibly begin to share it all. But there did happen to be one significant event that took place that has thoroughly taken over our lives, the birth of my beautiful daughter, Londyn Kate Gauthier.
She may be the single reason this blog took a backseat. She has completely captivated us...she is our world! And by us I mean the whole family. Auntie Jess being a big part of that!
We have also started a small business making headbands & bows for little girls. This keeps us busy for sure! Check out our shop on Etsy, Instagram & Facebook! www.etsy.com/shop/londybugboutique
I will be posting my pregnancy/birth story next. I want to be able to look back at the details in the years to come. I remember being pregnant & reading hundreds of birth stories! I was so curious in everyone's experience. If you're not interested, just skip to the next post... I won't be offended whatsoever! :)
We hope you are as excited as us to follow our day to day journeys through this blog. Bringing you stories & photos, recipes & home decor, our styles & fashion. Subscribe if you want to be updated when we post new blogs. Looking forward to the fun ahead!
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